Spring is the best time to clean everything including your makeup bag! So this weekend might be the best time to dig deep into the bottom of your makeup drawer, cupboard or bag and start tossing out the old makeup or giving it a clean!.
So, the first thing to look for is dates on products, or if you can remember that the product is getting old then it might be time to toss it out.. Also its a good time to change your colours and switch up some of the beauty products that you have been using throughout winter in favour of lighter moisturisers, brighter colours and fresh, dewy textures.
1. Clean out your makeup bag
So start by taking out all of the products and look at your bag, does it need a clean or maybe even buy yourself a new one. Sometimes it's overwhelming when you loo in the bag and find that your favourite products have exploded in the bottom of the bag, or you have forgotten about that favourite lipstick that is now all smudged inside the bag. Or the lid that wasn't on the mascara properly and now you have black marks all over the bag and your other products.
Spring is the perfect time for a good deep clean of your makeup bag - make sure you have emptied it out and then turn it inside out you may need to get some makeup remover pads with micellar water and wipe out the bag first to get rid of the marks, the if you can rinse it under the tap with some soap or shampoo to help get rid of the makeup stains. If you are able to then throw it in the washing machine, this will give it a real good clean. Allow it to dry outside in the sun if you can and then it should be like brand new!
Check out the range of bags and accessories online - T
The Organic Skin Co bag is only $60 and is made from
plus velvet.
2. Wash your makeup brushes
This is one of the most important steps of the whole beauty process - cleaning your brushes.
Brushes build up dirt, old makeup as well as grease and oil from your skin. Also they are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and germs. In addition, dirty brushes no longer work their best, your foundation can become streaky, blotchy, or even oily.
Dirty eyeshadow brushes can cause skin irritations including eye infections.

This is also a good time to clean your hair brushes as the same applies, they are a breeding ground for bacteria. So the best way to do this is to have a mild soap or shampoo, wet the brushes and squeeze a little of the shampoo (or if your using the soap hold it in the palm of your hand ) and swirl the brush around and around. You will see that it foams a little but also the suds are dirty - which is a good thing! as this means that the excess dirt is coming out. Once you have done that a few times, then rinse the brush under the running water until the water is clear. Squeeze the end of the brush of excess water and then leave them to dry flat on a towel, don't sit them upright as the water will seep into the brush handle and ruin the brush. If you can lay them outside in a sunny protected spot even better and the sunlight will also help to kill any germs.
The Organic Skin Co has a range of natural brushes
3. So how old is your Mascara?
It’s super easy to forget how old the mascara, or your favourite lipstick is, but you have to remember that these products do have a shelf life once they are opened. Basically, the packaging should tell you, there are little symbols on the packaging that could show a 12 or 24 month life, unless otherwise specified. Be sure to check these out as once you open them, they are exposed to air, dust, dirt, oil and grease from your skin and hands and can cause germs to build up.
So its always a good idea in Spring to go through everything and have a good clean out... If your makeup isn’t performing in the same way it used to, or you find you are suddenly breaking out, then it may be time to have a good look through and chuck them out. Its also a good time to change up your makeup colours, brands etc and try some new things. The beauty industry is improving all the time so there might just be something better than what you are currently using.
4. Ditch the chemicals
So the green beauty space has become more and more popular now as women (and men) want to buy more natural and organic skincare and cosmetics. With product ingredients on the labels its a good idea to get familiar with the nasties so as soon as you see these ingredients, put it down and move on.
Some of the nasties to look out for are parabens and Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS). We will be doing a blog about this in the next few weeks.
Natural formulas are not just better for you and your skin they are better for the environment as the companies use more environmentally friendly methods of manufacturing and producing their products.
Also we want to ensure that our products are all cruelty free - no animal testing.
4. Dig out the Spring Colours
So now you’ve had a good clear out, its a good time to review your colour palette, as the heavier winter colours are being replaced with the cooler spring colours. Also foundations are more lightweight, you can choose from a good BB cream or tinted moisturiser or even a lightweight foundation.
Using a highlighted primer is also good as it gives that little shimmer underneath. Go easy of the powders as this makes your skin look heavy, a nice light dewy look is ideal.
For Eye colours go with the more natural browns and pinks and aim for a more sun-kissed natural look for daytime. For lip colours, a light pinky, brown or even a nice peachy gloss can give your face a fresh look.
Blush adds a lovely element to the face and the Velvet Concepts creme blush are ideal for the pinched cheek look which is really popular in the warmer months.
Now you’re all set for Spring! If you are looking to learn more about how to apply your makeup, a colour match consult or to freshen up your makeup/skincare then you can book in for a virtual service or call us and we can work with you locally or over the phone/email.
If you are looking for any product recommendations or advice, then call or send an email and we can talk you through some ideas, we would love to help you find the natural makeup and skincare products you will love! We have plenty of quality brands that are all natural, organic or vegan, some even gluten free, so check out our online store for a range of spring colours.