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Image by Atikh Bana

Express Yourself Beautifully


So it comes as no surprise that those of us that are currently in lockdown and staying at home, whether working from home, or home schooling children have become increasingly aware about self care and home care.

With that said, we have seen loads of "how - tos" and an enormous number of wellness coaching and online fitness sessions. With self care being so important in our lives, keeping up our beauty regimes have been our biggest concern - how are we going to manage our bushy brows, keep our skin healthy, not put on weight, keep up our mental and physical fitness?.

There has been a significant increase in google searches for DIY beauty but in particular for clean, safe and reliable beauty and personal care products that can be used at home.

At Just Beautiful we carry a wide range of hair care, skin, body care including wellness products that are organic, natural and even vegan.

Our range of Pump haircare products, have the no-frizz shampoo and conditioner which really keeps your hair under control, hair masks for moisture control and oils for taming hair. These are a game changer for frizzy hair!

Feed your beauty!

Collagen is the main structural protein in the connective tissues within the body. It is the structure for bones, ligaments, tendons and skin. As we age, we lose a percentage of collagen every year, unless you take supplements, it will not return to your body and our skin structure sags.

Formulated to stimulate collagen production, our range of natural collagen products will increase skin elasticity and cellular hydration and provide a more youthful, supple skin. Taken once a day, the Marine Collagen by Beauty Shake or Imbibe's Miracle Collagen offer great value and tastes good too! The results? well they will speak for themselves...

As we head into the cooler months our skin needs exfoliation and moisture. We need to remove dead cells in order for the production of new skin cells to occur, this is not only on our face but our bodies as well. An exfoliating mitt will help with the removal of dead skin cells from our arms and legs and allow moisture to absorb into the skin. A good exfoliating mitt will do the trick! Do this once a week to see results. Apply your Bellabronze tanning lotion or a good moisturiser afterwards.

Our face also needs exfoliating but we need a finer more gentler solution. The Organic Skin Co Nitty Gritty is gentle on the skin and will leave it feeling smooth, a face mask is another solution, this will help to deep cleanse the pores and remove any blackheads or blocked pores. The Aztec Secret Indian Clay or Pixi Glow Mud Mask is an amazing once a week solution that will make your skin sing!

So whilst we cant get out much, we still need to look after our stressed-out skin, tame our frizzy hair and continue to keep our bodies healthy. Check out our recommendations and remember take the time to do some self care during this time. Enjoy!


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